Small App
$299Per month
- Around 30 screens or 100 days effort
- Around 30 Get data API calls & ~10 Write back / Update calls
- Only simple validations on device
- No offline storage of data
- Timeline - Within 2 months
QA Team - 1 Test Engineer (Manual)
Medium Apps
$299Per month
- Around 100 Screens or 320 Days effort, 30% being complex
- Around 50 Get data API calls & ~20 Write back / Update calls
- Simple business logic for Validations / Calculations / Chart Data etc.
- Some local storage of data
- Timeline - Within 4 months
- QA Team - 1 Test Engineer & 1 Test Lead
- 2 Code Audits on months - 2nd & 4th reports provided
Large Apps
$299Per month
- Around 200 Screens or 975 days effort, 50% being complex
- Around 100 Get data API calls & ~50 Write back / Update calls
- Complex business logic like Interactive Charts, Animations, Validations, Conditions etc.
- Complete local storage of data used by App
- Timeline - Within 6 months
- QA Team - 2 Test Engineers & 1 Test Lead
- Code Audits every alternate month, reports provided
- Test Driven Development - Unit Tests & Test Automation
- Onsite + Offshore Model